I am finding it to be more difficult to shop organically on a budget. I know that I don’t have a lot of practice with it and am now in a new location trying to navigate where the best deals are but the past two weeks I spent $85 and this week $95!!!! That is WAY too much! Part of it might be that we are now purchasing our own meat.  But last week the only meat I bought was a whole, free-range, local, organic chicken (2.6lbs for $9!). And this week I did splurge and buy organic lunch meat from Whole Foods. There were a few items this week that were non-food items or pantry stocking items that I was not planning on using for meals this week. But I still feel like it’s absurdly high for two people. There’s gotta be a better way! Did anyone just have a Joey from Friends milk commercial flashback?? 🙂 ) Another part of it could be that I honestly think Austin food prices are higher.

Last week I bought the whole chicken hoping to squeeze 3 meals out of it (chicken, quesedillas, and chicken noodle soup). The chicken was way too small to be able to get that much out of it. But it was already $9 for that puny little thing! Chris and I barely ate any meat the first night and all edible meat was gone. So that left no meat for quesedillas. When I went to make stock for soup so much of it evaporated that I had to add boxed stock to get enough for a soup out of it. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not planning on resorting back to my old ways of shopping, I am just temporarily discouraged. I need to spend more time researching budget friendly recipes that aren’t solely compiled of starches. Last night I made eggplant parmesan which I’m hoping will go a long way in the leftover department. This is all just a lot more work than I anticipated. If I was a mother and working a full-time job I don’t know if I would have the time or energy to invest this much into purchasing and planning our food. It’s a good thing that I am doing all this prep work now with out those added life stressors. Hopefully all this heartache now will set me up in the long run. If people would like to know I can post what I actually bought so you can see how it added up. I was just shocked. And it really doesn’t feel like we have a bounty of food in the apartment. Any suggestions?